HomeFaculty & StaffUtah Tech University Bus Request Utah Tech University Bus Request Form University Bus Request Department * Contact Person * Telephone * Departure Date * Time * 121234567891011 : 0030 AMPM Place * Departure Address (if off campus) Return Date * Time * 121234567891011 : 0030 AMPM Place * Group Leader on trip Name & Cell # * Destination Address(s) * Bus Type Preferred * Estimated number of passengers * Department Index Code to be charged * Required for Utah Tech departments Submit this completed form to Don Steck via fax (634-2055) or email (don.steck@utahtech.edu). All buses have on board bathroom and video/dvd capability. Please complete above information and submit with a basic itinerary at least one week prior to departure. If we don’t have this information one week prior, your reservation is subject to cancellation. Charges to your organization are outlined below. Bus minimum usage charge is $450.00 per day which includes the driver fee. For overnight trips, groups are responsible for single hotel room and meals for driver. Any damage to seats, interior of bus, windows, exterior, etc., by the group will be added to the total charge. Drivers have a maximum drive time of 10 hours per day and “on duty” time of 15 hours per day. If distance requires two drivers, additional costs will apply. (6) Full size Prevost buses seat 48 passengers with a rate of $3.00 per mile and $220 per day for driver fee. (2) Temsa Mid-size buses seat 30 passengers with a rate of $3.00 per mile and $220 per day for driver fee. Driver’s fee is calculated: 1-10 hrs = $220 per day, 11-15 hrs = $330 per day, over 15 hrs = a 2 day charge. If you have any questions, please call Don Steck at 634-2051 or 668-9262. If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ