Utah Tech University

Property Control
& Surplus

Capitalization Thresholds

The dollar amount that determines the proper financial reporting of the asset.

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Capital vs Repair Determination

What is capital as opposed to what would be considered a repair and routine maintenance.

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Asset Tagging

Details about what assets are in Assetworks and what assets require a University asset tag.

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AssetWorks is the University’s asset management system. If you need to change who uses a University asset, where it is typically located, who is considered the ‘custodian’ of it, or need to dispose of it all together, then click the links below.

How to Look Up an Asset

Make a Transfer Outside Your Department

Make a Transfer Within Your Department

Dispose or Make a Transfer to Surplus

Receive a Transfer

Missing Assets

FAQ / Recent Developments

Login to AssetWorks

Still have questions?

Trevor Anderson
Staff Accountant – Fixed Assets & Debt
HCC 565